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The promise of this master class
You will advance your coaching skills to a whole new level and learn to facilitate and build a Kata Coaching Dojo in your or your clients' organization - a training setup that offers a deliberate way to develop and scale world-class coaching.
The Kata Coaching Dojo
You should be coaching, they say — but nobody helps you to get better at it.
The Kata Coaching Dojo offers a deliberate way to improve the ability of new as well as established coaches.
Coaching is becoming a core skill for anybody entrusted with a leadership role, and many organizations require managers to coach their teams. However, effective coaching is still scarce.
Managers often lack the ability to truly coach in a non-directive way. As a result, they don’t know how to distribute decision-making to the team and at the same time ensure superior results by developing their team’s problem-solving ability and creativity.
One reason might be this: We often overestimate our coaching ability. As a result, we move to autopilot, neglect our need for practice, and keep doing what we have always done.
Although we might be coaching every day, chances are high that we are not as good as we think, and we are not even getting better at it. Repetition doesn’t make perfect; it makes permanent.
Michael Jordan put it nicely: “You can practice shooting eight hours a day, but if your technique is wrong, then all you become is very good at shooting the wrong way.”
Developing excellent coaching skills that allow you to coach naturally in a highly supportive and motivating way, even when stakes are high, is a challenge and takes deliberate practice. Unfortunately, however, in many organizations, we lack the means for deliberate practice.
That is where the Kata Coaching Dojo provides a structured, more effective, and faster approach to develop powerful coaching skills on all levels of an organization.

Pilots have flight simulators - where do you practice your coaching skills?
Establishing a permanent Kata Coaching Dojo in your organization offers a deliberate way to develop powerful coaching skills at scale and improve the ability of established coaches.
The Kata Coaching Dojo
Masterclass is for...
KATA COACHES who want to step up their coaching game.
Running through the practice sessions in this masterclass will open a new level of coaching to you and provide effective techniques for immediate application. Additionally, the Kata Dojo provides a new way of working for anyone in a second coach role.
CONSULTANTS who want to develop world-class coaches.
The Kata Dojo Masterclass will provide you with a unique and effective method to help your client develop effective coaching skills on all management levels. You will learn how to help those starting to coach to transfer classroom knowledge into real-world mastery through repeated practice. In addition, the Kata Coaching Dojo is a proven product you can immediately add to your portfolio.
CHANGE LEADERS who want to develop managers as coaches and scale coaching skills.
Establishing a permanent Kata Coaching Dojo in your organization offers a deliberate way to develop powerful coaching skills at scale and improve the ability of established coaches.
With the Kata Dojo, you can increase coaches’ confidence and set them on the path to building a coaching habit.
EDUCATORS who teach Toyota Kata as part of their curriculum.
Moving students from knowledge to skill is often hard in a classroom environment. The Kata Coaching Dojo offers a sportslike approach to have students practice what you teach. Then, we'll show you how to add the Kata Dojo to your TK curriculum.
8 Weeks to change your coaching game.
Join the 8-week interactive online masterclass and learn a systematic, step-by-step approach to becoming an effective and appreciated coach, while also gaining skills to develop others.
8 Dojo Training Sessions
2 Facilitation Training Sessions
Weekly Mentoring and Training Groups
The Kata Coaching Dojo Handbook
Online Dojo Sandbox
Kata Dojo Starter Kit

Masterclass Overview
MODULE 1 & 2: Kick-Start the Dojo
Learn about the Coaching Kata as a powerful five-phase coaching model and how to increase people's ability to adapt, problem-solve, and innovate through coaching.
While questioning techniques are very helpful when coaching, the coach's reference is a decisive factor for effective, helpful, and appreciated coaching. You will learn how the Dojo can help coaches to build their reference.
Experience the Kata Coaching Dojo and learn about fundamental coaching concepts that will leverage your ability as a coach.
MODULE 3 to 8: Advanced Coaching
Developing a more scientific mindset requires deliberate coaching. Learn how to stay away from demotivating command and control coach naturally in a highly supportive and motivating way.
Start developing your reference as a coach using the five questions of the Coaching Kata as your quality gates.
Learn how to spot patterns of thinking and develop your situational coaching ability.
You will learn and practice meta techniques immediately applicable in many coaching situations.
Coaching for success; focus on the person instead of the content.
WEEKLY PRACTICE: Deep Practice Groups and Mentoring Sessions
You'll join a small group of peers led by an experienced Kata Coaching Dojo facilitator for intensive practice.
Group activities will include:
Course materials review
Dojo practice with peers
1:1 coaching feedback
Preparing your Dojo sessions
Facilitating practice
DEEP-DIVE WORKSHOPS: Pick 4 out of 6
Coaching Kata Beginner's Session: If you are new to the Coaching Kata and coaching for scientific thinking, this is the perfect session to get you up-and-ready for the Kata Dojo Masterclass. Start your journey by learning from an experienced Kata practitioner.
Meetings and Coaching Nudges: Learn how to bring scientific thinking to your meetings and every day interactions. Infuse scientific thinking into your team's day-to-day work.
Alumni Workshop: Learn from the experience of a long-time Kata Dojo Masterclass alumni. How to maximize your learning during the Kata Dojo Masterclass, how to apply it day-to-day and keep learning afterward, and how to bring it to your team and the people you with.
Developing Dojo Exercises: Learn how to develop your own Dojo exercises, addressing the learning needs of your group of coaches.
Dojo Facilitation Workshop 1+2: Learn how to facilitate the fundamental Dojo exercises described in the Kata Coaching Dojo Handbook and bring the Dojo to your team, organization, or client.
The Dojo Facilitator Certificate
Imagine bringing the Dojo to your organization or the teams you work with.
The Kata Coaching Dojo offers a deliberate way to develop powerful coaching skills at scale and improve the ability of established coaches.
What if you could increase coaches’ confidence and set them on the path to building a coaching habit?
Participating in the two Kata Dojo Facilitation Workshops and running your first two Kata Dojo sessions as part of this class will make you eligible for the Kata Dojo Facilitator Certificate.

The Dojo concept provides a unique way to design a deliberate learning path for new as well as experienced coaches. Learn how to facilitate a Dojo.
Learn how to maximize learning in your Dojo by using advanced facilitation techniques.
Learn how to facilitate the fundamental Dojo exercises described in the Kata Coaching Dojo Handbook.
Practice facilitating a Kata Coaching Dojo in a safe environment while being coached.
You will get immediate feedback and the unique opportunity to improve your facilitation through repeated cycles.
We'll walk you through a step-by-step method to successfully set up and facilitate a Dojo.
DELIVERABLE: Run Your First Dojo
As part of the Kata Dojo Masterclass, you run two Dojo sessions with a group of coaches you work with.
We will provide you with a step-by-step plan to prepare, as well as the Kata Dojo starter kit.
If you would like to run the Dojo online, you will get access to the online Dojo we use for the Masterclass.

Hi, I'm Tilo Schwarz,
I'll be your host and trainer for this very special Kata Dojo Masterclass.
I'm passionate about helping leaders give wings to their teams.
As an author and co-founder of the Campus for Leaders at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences, I help leaders develop their teams' adaptiveness and creativity, especially through coaching and practicing a scientific way of thinking and working together.
During my time as a plant manager, I had the honor to be part of an extraordinary team that won the A. T. Kearny manufacturing competition "Factory of the Year "and was awarded second place in the WHU/INSEAD contest "Best Factory ". My management team and I started practicing Toyota Kata in 2007, piloting with Mike Rother for his fundamental research.
I'm looking forward to sharing with you the powerful learning and practicing approach of the Kata Dojo - THE flight simulator for developing world-class coaches.
Course Overview
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Main Course: 8 Weeks - 8 Sessions - 90 min. each
Deep Practice Groups: 8 Weeks - 7 Sessions - 60 min.
Deep Dive Workshops* - pick 4 out of 6 Sessions - 90/ 120 min.
Coaching Kata Beginners' Session 1
Alumni Workshop
Meetings & Coaching Nudges
Facilitation Workshop 1+2
Developing a Dojo Exercise
Deliverables for Dojo Facilitator Certificate: Run Your 1st Dojo
Your Mentors for the Deep Practice Groups

Hi, I'm Tracy Defoe,
I'll be your co-host for this Kata Dojo Masterclass and your mentor for the weekly deep practice group sessions.
I'm a specialist in learning at work, an adult educator, Kata Geek, and co-founder of Kata School Cascadia and Kata Girl Geeks, a group learning model that upped my coaching game.
I have taught communication, writing, teamwork, cross-cultural communication, and teaching methods to adults in colleges, universities, and the workplace.
I have been remote coaching almost every day for over a year. Learning, teaching, and coaching TK for over ten years.
I adapted Lean and Kata training to online learning, and I think it is better than some in-person training. There is nowhere to hide or coast online.
I'm looking forward to practicing with you in the Dojo.
Hi, I'm Julie Savage-Fournier,
I'll be your trainer and mentor for the weekly deep practice group sessions - and we can learn together in English or in French.
I’m an industrial engineer, Lean consultant, Kata Geek, and co-founder of Kata School Francophonie. My purpose is to develop people that will make the world a better place.
I have worked in manufacturing, TV show production, ambulance services, hospitals, and superior education… to name a few. My experience covers a wide variety of process improvement and problem-solving situations.
I started practicing and coaching Toyota Kata 2015. It was love at first sight. I tried it with my team, and it changed the department for the better.
In my training and coaching, I include elements of gamification, non-violent communication, and neuropsychology to transform every learning situation into a positive experience, so we can celebrate your success together.
It will be a privilege to witness your growth in the Dojo.

Next Course Schedule
8 Weeks of Deliberate Coaching Practice
May 6 to July 8, 2025
Times: All Modules (90 min) and Facilitation Training (120 min) at
11:00am, US Eastern Time
5:00pm, Central European Time
Module 1: Tuesday, May 6, 2025
Module 2: Tuesday, May 13, 2025
Module 3: Tuesday, May 20, 2025
Module 4: Tuesday, May 27, 2025
== Study and Practice Break (2 weeks) ==
Module 5: Tuesday, June 17, 2025
Module 6: Tuesday, June 24, 2025
Module 7: Tuesday, July 1, 2025
Module 8: Tuesday, July 8, 2025
Facilitation Training 1: Monday, June 23, 2025
Facilitation Training 2: Monday, June 30, 2025
Deep Practice and Mentoring*: Groups of four, throughout each week.
Group 1: Wednesdays, 11:00 am US Eastern Time, 5pm Central European Time
Group 2: Wednesdays, 5:00 pm US Eastern Time, 11:00 pm Central European Time
Group 3: Thursdays, 11:00 am US Eastern Time, 5pm Central European Time
Group 4: Thursdays, noon US Eastern Time, 5pm Central European Time
* Times tentative, will be adapted to timezone participants come from
Graduation: Tuesday, July 22, 2025

Malik Sisic
Head of Purchasing, Vice CEO,
Volkswagen Sarajevo
The Kata Dojo Masterclass was a life-changing experience as a coach for me. Friday is Kata Dojo day at Volkswagen Sarajevo.

Sylvain Landry
Director of the Department of Logistics and
Operations Management
HEC Montréal
I haven't been this mentally challenged since my Ph.D. 30 years ago. The delivery is masterfully orchestrated, with a level of interactivity and engagement akin to a high-quality TV show.
The sessions are engaging and fun. Saying I highly recommend this masterclass is an understatement. It will transform your managerial life.
Plans & Pricing
10-module curriculum with
8 live sessions and
2 live facilitation workshops -
Guided deliverables
Kata Dojo facilitation handbook
Kata Dojo starter kit
Weekly deep practice and mentoring groups
Access to the online learning portal
2.800 EURO
Monthly payment plans available.
Group rates starting from groups of 3.
€2.000 to upgrade to lifetime later.
10-module curriculum with
8 live sessions and
2 live facilitation workshops -
Guided deliverables
Kata Dojo facilitation handbook
Kata Dojo starter kit
Weekly deep practice and mentoring groups
Lifetime access to future cohorts
Lifetime access to the online learning portal
Future updates to class content
3.800 EURO
Monthly payment plans available.
Group rates starting from groups of 3.
*Prices are plus VAT or tif applicable.
Cohort size is very limited, and I want this class to be a perfect fit for you, so you get maximum value and feel challenged at the same time - practicing at the sweet spot is what we aim for.
In the Kata Dojo, we go way beyond the five Coaching Kata starter questions, so showing you have
sufficiently practiced Improvement Kata and Coaching Kata is a pre-condition.
Unsure if this class is for you? Don't hesitate, and please reach out to me. I am happy to set up a Zoom call with you to find an approach that best fits your current condition and needs as a coach.
Send me an email: Tilo.Schwarz@lernzone.com
I want this investment to be 100% risk-free for you. If you attend the live sessions, the facilitation workshops, complete the deliverables, and still don't find the masterclass valuable, I'll happily refund your full payment within 30 days of the start of the masterclass.