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The Kata Coaching Dojo is a training setup that offers a deliberate way to develop great coaching skill and improve the ability of established coaches.
Developing the scientific-thinking ability of the people and teams in an organization may be one of the core management tasks of our time. Since there is no roadmap for many of today's challenges, having managers, supervisors and team leaders develop their people's navigation skills is an increasingly crucial factor in reaching challenging goals, adapting, innovating and achieving continuous improvement at scale. As a result, coaching ability is becoming an essential skill for any manager.
However, developing excellent coaching skills is a challenge and needs practice and therefore, time. Hence, it often develops too slowly, haphazardly, or not at all.
That is where the Kata Dojo provides hands-on support with a quicker and more effective approach to develop coaching skill with individuals as well as throughout all management levels of an organization.
The Kata Dojo setup allows coaches to practice specific situations and responses in role-playing, providing more frequent guided coaching practice then would occur in daily work life.
The Coaching Kata with its five coaching question categories, provides the starting point for anybody aspiring to coach others in the Improvement Kata pattern.
However, developing excellent coaching skills and beeing able to coach naturally in a highly supportive and motivating way even when stakes are high is a challenge and needs extensive practice fare beyond knowing and applying the Coaching Kata once in a while.
The Kata Dojo provides a sports-like approach where coaches can repeatedly practice a series of specially designed training exercises and role play in a safe offline environment. This setup allows coaches to hone their skills through repeating coaching situations at a much higher frequency than would occur in reality.
Imagine your organization having a permanent training center for managers, supervisors, and team leaders where they can hone their coaching and communication skills.
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